Born in Santiago, Chile, 1978.
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
2019 - 2022 Assistant Professor (BA - MA). Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee. Berlin, Germany.
2016 - 2019 MA in Textil- und Flächen-Design, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee. Berlin, Germany.
2008 - 2009 MA Visual Arts, University of Chile. Santiago, Chile.
1996 – 2000 BA Visual Arts, University Finis Terrae. Santiago, Chile.
2024 Tempus Fugit, Patricia Ready Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2023 Blackout, Rosenblut & Friedmann Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
2021 Des/Aparecer, Gabriela Mistral Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2019 Panta Rhei, Room Capacity. Berlin, Germany.
2017 Deathline, Patricia Ready Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2011 Analgesia, Patricia Ready Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2010 Pliegues, Museum of Contemporary Art, MAC. Valdivia, Chile.
2010 Ibidem, Aquí Mismo, Animal Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2008 La Nave de los Locos, BECH Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2006 Pulsión, Goethe Institute. Santiago, Chile.
2003 Una vez fue…, Wilhelm von Humboldt Institute. Santiago, Chile.
2023 Hipótesis para un lugar, Matucana 100. Santiago, Chile.
2023 Verstecken im Dunkeln, Hilbertraum. Berlin, Germany.
2022 Kunsthof. Opprechts, Germany.
2021 Chilean Conexion, Monopol. Berlin, Germany.
2020 This is an intervention, (Public installation). Berlín, Germany.
2019 La guerra de los huesos, Molino. Santiago, Chile.
2017 Raue Strömung, Eigenheim Gallery. Berlín, Germany.
2016 After the Change, Kunst Mitte Gallery. Berlín, Germany.
2014 Identities / Interferences / Connections, Embassy of Chile. Berlín, Germany.
2014 Doppelnatur, Hilsbach Kunst Kultur. Hilsbach, Germany.
2014 Art Lima, Art Fair. Lima, Perú.
2013 SLICK Art Fair. Paris, France.
2013 CUTLOG Art Fair. Paris, France.
2013 Babylon, Wendt+Friedmann Gallery. Berlín, Germany.
2013 Art Lima, Art Fair. Lima, Perú.
2013 Open Studios Exhibition, GlogauAIR-Artist in Residence. Berlin, Germany.
2012 Art Miami, International Contemporary & Modern Art Fair. Miami, EEUU.
2012 CHACO, Chilean Contemporary Art Exhibition. Santiago, Chile.
2012 Señales, prodigios y milagros, Las Condes Cultural Center, Santiago, Chile.
2011 Absolut Illusion Vodka, AMS Marlborough Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2011 CHACO, Chilean Contemporary Art Exhibition. Santiago, Chile.
2010 Artespacio Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2010 13 x 13, Talca University. Santiago, Chile.
2010 CHACO, Chilean Contemporary Art Exhibition. Santiago, Chile.
2010 En torno al collage, AMS Marlborough Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2009 El Graduado / The Graduate, Concreta Gallery, Matucana 100. Santiago, Chile.
2009 CHACO, Chilean Contemporary Art Exhibition. Santiago, Chile.
2009 Turn on, Tune In, Drop out, Beijing Biennale. Beijing, China.
2009 Collage en Chile (1941-2009), Fine Arts Museum. Santiago, Chile.
2009 Escena Alterada, Animal Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2009 13/1, Juan Egenau Hall, Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
2008 Dittborn Atelier Exhibition, D21 Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2003 Enseguida Vuelvo, Spanish Cultural Center. Santiago, Chile.
2001 Young Art, Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura. Valparaíso, Chile.
1998 Intervention at Perrera Cultural Center. Santiago, Chile.
2021 Exhibition Des/Aparecer, awarder as the best exhibition (new media), by the “Círculo de Críticos de Arte de Chile”.
2010 Arts Critic Association. Santiago, Chile.
2008 Fondart, Funding for Art and Culture Development, Chilean Government. Santiago, Chile.
2001 First Mention in Graphic Studies, Universidad Finis Terrae. Santiago, Chile.
Patricia Ready Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
My works reflect not just the complexities and dynamics of our specific Zeitgeist, but also fundamental questions of existential order. Among these, the relationship between life and death, reality and illusion, the permanent and the ephemeral, constitute some of the main subjects that give form to my artistic proposal. I understand them not as fixed categories, but rather as dynamic polarities in permanent tension. I explore the diffuse limit between these concepts, through visual representation strategies based on analog optical illusion techniques that allow us to question the integrity of these limits, also incorporating the viewer as an active part of the aesthetic experience. In this way, the works allow having multiple perspectives of the same phenomenon, not only in visual terms but also in what refers of their possible forms of interpretation.
SEMINARS, COURSES AND RESIDENCES2013 GlogauAIR, Residence program. Berlin, Germany.2007 Workshop for Art analysis and critique, with Eugenio Dittborn. Santiago, Chile.2003 - 2004 Graphic Studies, Quasar Institute. Roma, Italia.2000 Workshop Object - Engraving, with Matilde Marín. Santiago, Chile.1999 Workshop Engraving - Installation, with Rimer Cardillo. Santiago, Chile.1998 - 1999 Foundry Seminar, with Roberto Bascuñan. Santiago, Chile.